Framework conditions in Greece T2.4 Interim Report, (2020)


CommonLawgic drafted a White Paper on the Greek framework conditions of circular collaborative production, related to the Pop Machina H2020 project deliverable D.2.4. It consists an interim report and introductory guide to the Greek legal framework, identifying possible drivers and barriers that may impact the pop Machina activities of the pilot cities Piraeus and Thessaloniki. Pop-Machina project addresses existing socio-economic policy measures in five countries that foster or hamper the local circular economy. The overall structure and logic of this report ensures that the vision of pilot cities complies with existing or forthcoming European, national and municipal policy requirements. Feedback from pilot cities oriented the critical regulatory and literature review of this study, submitted May 2020 and last updated October 2020. This report identifies the horizontally applicable Greek rules that govern the collaborative production in physical and digital makerspaces. This analysis addresses legislative, governance and taxation, labour, contract, business law and other policy issues that affect the maker communities, in a constantly changing landscape. This legal framework toolbox may support the Greek value chains, comply with general governance and taxation requirements. Further, this is an informative guide for potential makers of Pop Machina pilot cities during the municipal engagement activities and workshops.

Find the respective pdf here.


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