Elena Nikolaou

Elena holds a Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from NTUA and a Master’s Degree in Production and Management of Energy. She has more than 10 years’ experience in Environment, Health and Safety Projects. Since 2009 she is involved in more than 20 projects of Eco-efficiency Consulting and Engineering Ltd., related to regulatory issues regarding waste classification, hazard characterization, exposure estimation to human health and environment, chemicals risk assessment and occupational health and safety in the industrial sector. As an Eco-efficiency employee, she participated in projects for the SEV- Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, ECGA, Euromines, Nickel Institute and for clients as Aluminium of Greece, Hellenic Gold, TITAN cement, ELVAL aluminum recycling, Hellenic Petroleum. She has a wide range of industrial experience on industrial wastes, by-products and industrial products classification. Her native language is Greek and she has C2 level in English and B2 level in German. She specializes in three main areas:

  1. Health and Safety (Occupational Exposure Limits evaluation, Guidelines, Personnel Protective Equipment, Best practices for Occupational Health and Safety, Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems according to international Standards).
  2. REACH and CLP supporting services: advisory/troubleshooting role of issues to manufacturers and importers inside and outside of EU. Responsible for technical dossier preparation and submission for REACH registration dossiers for Lead Registrants and Joint Submission.

    3. Technical and Scientific support on Environment especially troubleshooting to issues related to wastes and emission management (prevention research, sampling, classification via waste catalogue, hazardous effects, transportation, green procurements).

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